The Booking sample app demonstrates:

  • Using an SQL (SQLite) database and configuring the Revel DB module.
  • Using the third party GORP ORM-ish library
  • Interceptors for checking that a user is logged in.
  • Using validation and displaying inline errors

Browse Source

		models		   # Structs and validation.

			init.go    # Register all of the interceptors.
			gorp.go    # A plugin for setting up Gorp, creating tables, and managing transactions.
			app.go     # "Login" and "Register new user" pages
			hotels.go  # Hotel searching and booking


sqlite Installation

The booking app uses go-sqlite3 database driver (which wraps the native C library).

To install on OSX:

  1. Install Homebrew if you don’t already have it.
  2. Install pkg-config and sqlite3:
$ brew install pkgconfig sqlite3

To install on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

Once you have SQLite installed, it will be possible to run the booking app:

$ revel run

Database / Gorp Plugin

app/controllers/init.go initializes the users requests:

  • BeforeRequest: Begins a transaction and stores the Transaction on the Controller
  • AfterRequest: Commits the transaction. Panics if there was an error.

conf/app.conf tells revel how to initialize GORP, and to include the GORP module.

app/controllers/app.go The controllers embed the gorpController.Controller. This controller makes the database connection available inside it and provides commit and rollback functionality


app/controllers/init.go registers the interceptors that run before every method (InterceptorMethod):

func init() {
	revel.InterceptMethod(Application.AddUser, revel.BEFORE)
	revel.InterceptMethod(Hotels.checkUser, revel.BEFORE)

As an example, checkUser looks up the username in the session and redirects the user to log in if they are not already.

func (c Hotels) checkUser() revel.Result {
	if user := c.connected(); user == nil {
		c.Flash.Error("Please log in first")
		return c.Redirect(Application.Index)
	return nil

Check out the user management code in app.go


The booking app does quite a bit of validation.

For example, here is the routine to validate a booking, from models/booking.go:

func (booking Booking) Validate(v *revel.Validation) {

	v.Match(b.CardNumber, regexp.MustCompile(`\d{16}`)).
		Message("Credit card number must be numeric and 16 digits")


Revel applies the validation and records errors using the name of the validated variable (unless overridden). For example, booking.CheckInDate is required; if it evaluates to the zero date, Revel stores a ValidationError in the validation context under the key “booking.CheckInDate”.

Subsequently, the Hotels/Book.html template can easily access them using the field helper:

{{with $field := field "booking.CheckInDate" .}}
<p class="{{$field.ErrorClass}}">
    <strong>Check In Date:</strong>
    <input type="text" size="10" name="{{$field.Name}}" class="datepicker" value="{{$field.Flash}}">
    * <span class="error">{{$field.Error}}</span>


The field template helper looks for errors in the validation context, using the field name as the key.

GoDoc Reference